Centos 7 - Selinux

Adding policy module (for systemd unit)

Check if selinux is running:

# getenforce

Temporary (until reboot) change selinux into permissive mode (to log selinux audits):

# setenforce Permissive
# getenforce            

Run the problematic command (e.g. systemctl start php-fpm)

check the audit logs & create selinux module and load it:

# grep php-fpm /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -m phpfpm > phpfpmlocal.tmp

You should look in the file phpfpmlocal.tmp to verify that the permissions look OK. Once you've done so, and made any edits that seem reasonable to you, re-run audit2allow again to build the module, and semodule to load it

# grep php-fpm /var/log/audit/audit.log | audit2allow -M phpfpmlocal
# semodule -i phpfpmlocal.pp

Test problematic command again

Removing policy module

List modules:

# semodule -l

Remove module:

# semodule -r <modulename>